Posted: October 6, 2021 by Trowel in announcements, records

Some equipment used during the 2019 Seagames were finally released to the Federation before they become outdated. Since August we have been issuing the equipment to different disciplines for their use. To echo our plea to the PSC , we have requested the release since the equipment were merely gathering dust at the PSC warehouse in Pampanga. As we have predicted, some parts were already either missing or replaced with inferior quality parts in the warehouse.


We are currently putting all items in the database and will be implementing a process of accountability. Current bikes are very very expensive and we cannot afford to let the athletes just use them without personal care. For now, selling any part of the issued bike will be dealth with with expulsion and criminal liability.

This is the way to take care of the bikes.
Carbon wheels have to be equipped with Carbon Pads

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